Stay Curious, Stay Connected!

At Spark Curiosity EDU Conference, we believe that learning and growth extend far beyond the conference dates. We're committed to fostering a vibrant community of educators who are passionate about sparking curiosity in their classrooms.

Here's how you can stay connected with us and your fellow curious educators:

Social Media
Follow us for daily inspiration, teaching tips, and conference updates:

Twitter: @KampusCoach

LinkedIn: Kampus Insights

Facebook Group: Spark Curiosity EDU

Enroll in the Spark Student Curiosity Free Course using the form below.

I Consent to receive emails about the Spark Student Curiosity Course and Fearless Educator Community.

Contact Us

Have questions, suggestions, or just want to share your curiosity-sparking success story?

We'd love to hear from you!

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (302)265-4842